Meeting of the Accreditation Commission of Rosobrnadzor at the end of the year
In accordance with the Rosobrnadzor’s order dated January 18, 2022 No. 35 “On approval of the procedure for certification, hiring, selection of experts and expert organizations involved in external review, as well as maintaining a register of experts and expert organizations” (entered into force on September 1, 2022) a meeting of the Accreditation Commission of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) was held on December14, 2022. This is the final exam for expert applicants held in 2022.
A qualification exam aims at assessing applicants’ knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the qualification requirements.
During the qualification exam, applicants’ ability to analyze the documents and materials during external review, including those regulating its implementation is determined.
Based on the exam results, the commission will make a decision to establish or refuse to establish the powers of experts to individuals for conducting external review.
Similar exams will be held by Rosobrnadzor next year. Interested parties can submit applications and set of documents in the prescribed manner.