On October 14, 2016 the Director of NAA Lemka Izmaylova took part in the Fourth International Conference "The practice of recognition: bonding continents", dedicated to cooperation in the field of recognition of foreign education. The conference was organized by the Main State Center for Education Evaluation in cooperation with the People's Friendship University of Russia that was the conference premises. Among the participants there were over 100 professionals and experts in the field of recognition from the leading universities of Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Italy, Spain, China, Kazakhstan, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, the Czech Republic and Sweden.
The Director of NAA Lemka Izmailova made a presentation on "The system of education quality evaluation in Russia in light of the new version of the ESG". There she told how the Russian model of the education quality evaluation and assurance, regulated by the legislation, correlates with the ESG provisions of. Special attention was paid to the expert community (certified experts and expert organizations, involved in external review of educational activities), the mechanisms of external quality assurance, in particular the procedures of state accreditation, as well as internal quality assurance, e.g. conducting student surveys on their satisfaction with the quality of education and the use of students’ standards of quality education. At the end of her speech, Lemka Izmaylova focused on the international activities of NAA in cooperation with foreign partner agencies - signatories of the agreements on cooperation and interaction with NAA.
The conference participants discussed the issues of academic mobility, foreign students’ attraction, elimination of bureaucracy and facilitation of procedures for the recognition of foreign education, transition to e-document management and other challenges of the systems of professional recognition in different countries. They also made up recommendations for further improvement of the international recognition system.