A meeting of the Accreditation Commission of Rosobrnadzor took place
A meeting of the Accreditation Commission of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) was held on October 12, 2022. The event took place in accordance with the Rosobrnadzor’s order dated January 18, 2022 № 35 “On approval of the procedure for accreditation, engagement, selection of experts and expert organizations involved in external review, as well as maintaining a register of experts and expert organizations” (entered into force on September 1, 2022).
An application of the Association of Educational Organizations "Scientific and Educational Theological Association" was considered at the meeting. The application was regarded on establishing the authority of a legal entity as an expert organization for involving in external review of basic study programs declared for state accreditation of educational activities.
At the meeting, an assessment of the applicants' compliance with the qualification requirements on the basis of the submitted documents and the results of the qualification exam was carried out.
During the qualification exam, the applicants’ ability to analyze the documents during external review as well as materials regulating the external review procedure was determined.
Based on the results of the qualification exam, the commission will make a decision to establish or refuse to establish the powers of individuals as experts in conducting external review.